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Junior Year Checklist:

-Please note, this is a very general timeline. Please visit the link at the bottom of the page for a much more detailed timeline pertaining to both early action/decision and regular application deadlines.


1. Start making decisions about what schools you want to apply to.

  • Your list should consist of about 3-5 schools that you fit based off of your GPA (until you take the ACT/SAT that is)

  • Begin taking college visits with your family; most colleges have open houses and different recruitment events throughout the year for prospective students

  • Take advantage of college rep visits and use it as a chance to ask the hard questions about their institutions


2. TEST TIME!!!!

  • Begin preparing for the spring ACT (usually scheduled during the first week of March)-- ALL juniors in the state of North Carolina have the opportunity to take the ACT for free at school during the spring. Take this test seriously, it can help when you get ready to apply for schools.

  • Take the SAT!! Best time to take the SAT is November, December, January & May.

  • Take advantage of SAT/ACT prep sessions and materials 



  • Now is not the time to let your grades slip! 

  • Making As and Bs in those rigorous courses (AP/Dual Enrollment) could help you get college credits!

  • Check in with your guidance counselor to make sure you're on track for graduation!



11th Grade is over and we're at the home stretch! SENIOR YEAR HERE WE COME...


Link to detailed timeline:







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